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April 21st, 2011
Back-end with login
There are trees, listing views and detailed views available for easy content handling. A detailed view contains forms with text fields and other widgets for the specific item. Different logical wholes are grouped together with tabs.
Take a closer look at the different views.
What-you-see-is-what-you-get - editor (CKEditor)
In the Back-end, some text areas are converted into editor areas. The editor works similarly to a word processor. Texts, styling, links and tables can be inserted into content area without any prior knowledge of underlying technologies. There's also an advanced file manager available for the editor that makes it simple to select files from server or upload them from the computer.
Multiple languages are supported for both Back-end and Front-end. The amount of languages is not limited in any way. In detailed views of the Back-end, there are separate text fields for each language.
All texts that are generated either in the Front-end, in module output or in content templates, can be translated from the default language to others in a specific translation management module.
It is possible to change language of the Back-end. All texts, visible in the Back-end, are also translatable in the translation management module.
There’s module for handling all languages. Languages can be added, removed and their parameters changed.
There is an option to activate the automatic default locale selection. It works by checking the visitor’s IP-address and finding out if the address is between some preset IP-address range set for a certain country.
It is possible to add unique SEO-related content to all content items. The supported SEO properties are SEO-friendly URL (or alias), browser title, meta keywords and meta description. Alt - and title texts can be added to files in the file manager.
An XML Sitemap may be automatically generated by the CMS. The Sitemap has all content-, product group- and product detailed page links in it. It also has support for multilingual content.
Global meta description and meta keywords can be set at the settings. If a content item has its own SEO properties set, the global SEO properties will be replaced by the ones belonging to the content item.
Inexpensive to host, flexible, fast and easy to extend
The CMS is based on PHP language that is so widespread among hosting companies that there's no need to have expensive hosting plans or private servers.
The web programming framework Yii that was used for the CMS has excellent modularity and scales up well as it is built for speed. There are advanced caching techniques available and most database-intensive operations may be cached. It is easy and timesaving to undertake custom development tasks. Yii and the underlying methods, developed for the CMS, are making it simple for web developers to integrate the CMS with different layouts and have tailored applications made for it.
Thanks to Yii, there is no vendor lock-in. The development specifications are sent upon request and any relatively proficient PHP developer can start building new functionality in form of modules or widgets.
Feel no limits in designing the layout as it will be integrated with the CMS. This CMS can fit into any mould!
The back-end is compatible with any modern browser.
See an overview of available modules