April 02nd, 2016

browser  |   chrome

New Chrome IconNew Chrome IconLately during updates Chrome has kept on changing its previous nice rounded icon with a flat and blue'ish version of it.

It looks very odd in older Mac OSX, like Lion or Mountain Lion and sticks out like a sore thumb among the other nicer icons. Luckily there is an easy way to downgrade the icon so that the good old beautiful version would be used instead.

  1. Download the old version of the icon from some icons site, for example http://www.iconarchive.com/tag/google-chrome has a version available. Be sure to download at least a 256x256 pixel version.
  2. Download and install FastIcns.
  3. Start FastIcns and drag-drop the icon image onto the rotating cube.
  4. Open the Applications folder, left-click on Google Chrome icon and select Show Package Contents.
  5. Double-click on the FastIcns' cube, click on Sizes and make sure to select experimental size of 256x256 or even 512x512 if you have that kind of icon image available. Click OK and then save the file in Icns format.
  6. Open the Finder window from step 4 and go to Contents -> Resources.
  7. Drag and drop the .icns file into the Resources folder, rename app.icns to something like app-backup.icns and then rename your .icns file to app.icns. Remove the icon from the dock and add back if needed.